Using existing frameworks to deliver improved outcomes
Often infill & brownfield development can be a point of friction with the existing community and our team are experienced in navigating through community consultation and engagement.
As a result of increased pressures on affordability and undersupply of new housing, there has recently been an increased focus on infill & brownfield development – being development within existing areas and communities.
Due to the smaller size of infill sites, unique and bespoke development outcomes are often required for infill & brownfield developments – our advantage is our ability to embed the knowledge of our internal service offerings early into development planning to maximise development potential and mitigate time/costs impacts later.
Our Surveying team are often introduced early to develop community title and/or strata schemes to inform development sequencing, whilst our Engineers understand the design differences associated with such development forms. Our Urban Designers have the skills to develop models to assess over shadowing and visual impact assessments. Our Town Planners can readily determine the relevant development controls for many Local Government Areas.